What Should I Look for in a Sacred Valley Tour from Cusco?

Take the road to Pisac while you are in Sacred Valley. This is located at an altitude in the Cusco region. Visit the local artisan marketplace to see local culture.

Pisac market is the most popular in Cusco. To offer wares, you can interact directly with local communities from nearby Andean towns. They sell blankets, textiles, as well as pottery, and handicrafts. You can support local communities by buying their products for a fair price. Even though there are ATMs, it’s better to carry cash than not.

Rafting in Rio Urubamba can be a great option if you want to acclimate and have an adrenaline-packed experience. This river runs south from the Puno border, through the Valle Sagrado to Machu Picchu, and into the Jungle of Peru. Rafting trips can be taken in various sections of the Urubamba River. The rapids along these sections range from introductory through Sacred Valley Tour from Ollantaytambo.

Cusco Sacred Valley tours provide an excellent opportunity to learn about Incan history. Classic Cusco’s day trip includes visits to critical Incan sites, such as Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and Chinchero. These day trips depart from Cusco on two routes.

Chinchero Market, Chinchero Church, and Ruins, followed by a visit to Moray (outside the world) and Salineras Incan salt mines. It’s then on to Ollantaytambo. Next, come the Pisaq markets and Pisaq ruin before you return to Cusco. The tour is less touristy as it’s reversed than many other tour groups.

By clicking this link, you can find our most popular holy valley tour, Maras Salineras-Moray. This trip is perfect for photographers, amateurs and professionals alike. Take your smartphone or camera and marvel at unique sights as you hike through the Sacred Valley across beautiful farmlands.

You should do at least a little hiking if you’re spending time in Sacred Valley to prepare for your Inca Trail trek – or any other walks. While your legs and lungs get a little exercise, you can experience high-altitude hiking in the mountains. A combination tour of the Sacred Valley and a short hike can be an excellent way for a quick walk. This will allow you to get off the tourist track and give you an insight into daily life in this beautiful agricultural area.

This trek offers an exceptional opportunity to appreciate nature and culture. You will be most satisfied with your visit to the market and ruins in Chinchero. You can then walk down through the farmland to the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Descending into the Sacred Valley gives you a chance to experience the daily lives of farmers by walking through their traditional chakras, a collection of charming and striking farms. Do you want to get a taste of Peru’s real life? You will love this day trip! Don’t be tempted to travel the usual tourist routes; instead, explore; rather, course, which allows you to time travel from time trivializations through contemporary Andean highlands life to the ultra-modern brewery!